Up-to-date Campaign News
(Updated 5/10)
My campaign has had some twists and turns in the last week. If you have been following the news, you will know that Derrick Peterson, the other candidate for Zone 3, withdrew from the race following media reports of his church ties to a Christian nationalist group. Then he reversed that decision and said that he would keep the seat if he won. Then he reversed again as I was writing this statement, and said he is out of the race. While the outcome of this race is uncertain, there are some things I’m certain of. I know that I want to serve. I think that my experience as an educator will be a valuable addition to the current board.
(If Derrick receives the most votes and then does not accept the position, the school board decides who will fill the position for Zone 3. I need your vote to win outright.)
I originally signed up because I wanted to be sure that a right-wing candidate did not quietly sneak onto the board without opposition. In my original dealings with Derrick in various interviews, I did not think that was a problem. His views seemed comparable to mine. Now I feel confident that I am the better candidate. I have nothing to hide.
I signed up at the last minute after hearing on the radio that there were board openings, and I did not have time to get endorsements to put in the Voter’s Pamphlet. Since then, I have gained a few. Please see my endorsement page.
It has come to my attention that people have not thought I was serious about running because I have not raised any money. I thought that I would put out my ideas in the Voter’s Pamphlet and people could decide to vote for me based on that statement. I did not think that seeing a sign or a pop up on one’s phone or getting one more unwanted phone call or text would sway the vote.
This may be naïve, but I do not want to spend my time or energy raising money. I want to spend it talking about my ideas and listening to teachers, students, and families in the Portland Public Schools. This is what I am serious about.
If you want to learn more about my thoughts on education, here are interviews with the following websites: